Autonomous Trucks

Background History:

It's no doubt that we've all heard of the up-and-coming wave of self-driving vehicles, but unbeknownst is the impact of autonomous driving on the trucking industry. Many companies like Daimler, Waymo, Tesla, and Embark are actively testing autonomous technologies on trucks and making significant strides towards perfecting the technology. 

Autonomous technology is becoming more and more popular because it is proving improvement among productivity, fuel costs, and traffic on major roadways. With all the testing and development occurring, it's safe to say that self-driving trucks will soon become a normal sight on highways.   

How it Works:

Many of the self-driving systems designed by companies establish and maintain an internal map of their surroundings by merging together the information gathered by an array of sensors mounted on the vehicle. The system's software is in charge of processing this information and sending instructions  to the vehicle's "actuators," which are responsible for controlling the acceleration, braking, and steering. Preliminarily programmed rules, obstacle avoidance algorithms, predictive modeling, and “smart” object discrimination work with the software to ensure that traffic rules are followed and that any obstacles are navigated correctly.

Most autonomous systems currently being tested still require a human operator and driver at the wheel, in case of any emergencies.

Impacts & Future Growth:

There are numerous proposed advantages and disadvantages of autonomous trucks. One of the largest concerns regarding self-driving trucks is the possibility for a loss of jobs. While these trucks do pose a potential threat on the jobs of truck drivers, they do show a promising improvement of productivity and highway safety/efficiency. 

  1. Less road accidents
  2. Decrease in traffic jams and congestion 
  3. Cost savings for companies
  1. Potential loss of jobs
  2. Security concerns (vulnerable to hackers)
  3. Many regulations and laws 


Information Resoruces:
“Self-Driving Cars Explained.” Union of Concerned Scientists, 21 Feb. 2018,
“Self-Driving Trucks: Are Truck Drivers Out of a Job?” ATBS, ATBS, Sept. 2018,
“The Advantages and Disadvantages of Autonomous Trucks.” A1 Auto Transport, A1 Auto Transport, Inc. ,

Multimedia Sources:
“Figure 2: Examples of Automated Vehicle Technologies for Commercial Trucks.” Trucking Shifts into the Future, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 30 May 2019,
Gilroy, Roger. “Tesla Semi.” Tesla Class 8 Prototype Crosses Country, Stops at Ruan, Transport Topics, 4 Sept. 2018,
“How Self-Driving Trucks Really Work I Future Of Work (HBO).” YouTube, VICE News, 3 Sept. 2019,

Garrit Witters


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