
Showing posts from November, 2019

Virtual Reality

Background Information: The virtual reality technologies of today are products of years of experimenting and developing. The term "virtual reality" is a relatively new title, dating back to 1980 when Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research, started developing devices needed to experience the newly termed virtual reality experience. Simply put, virtual reality is the simulation of seemingly realistic environments. The technology used to simulate environments has been used for numerous decades, and although it has improved drastically, the function of the technology remains fairly homogenous to the technology used today to provide simulated experiences through virtual reality mediums. How it Works:  Virtual reality essentially works by immersing the user into a simulated environment with realistic sounds and movement/interaction capabilities. VR tricks the brain into thinking it is in a 3D world with the use of stereoscopic displays, which works by displaying two slightl